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    Fermenter Series

           This series meets standard for fermenting tanks which use jacket to cool and heat fermenting air when the nominal rating is under 6M3. When the rating is over 6M3, the cooling is done by vertical tuber which we have done improved to avoid dead holes and corners on the body. Fermenting tanks have two types:One is cone-shaped (e.g. alcohol fermentation) and the other is tank-shaped (e.g. standard, auto suction type, etc). The latter ones are the most common being used. The fermenting tanks produced by our company are all standard. When designing fermenting devices of various specifications, we are devoted in meticulous structure design, adequate strength and service life, simplification, smooth surface and good contact and mixing performances to insure matter transmitting and air exchanging can be done effectively. We have designed adequate heat exchanging area to insure fermentation under favorable temperature and good sealing and performance to insure disinfectant operation.